Flower Drawing Techniques: How to Make Flowers Pose for You

Flowers in your art can add the perfect needed pop of color whether in the far background or in an essential placement in your composition. After you are able to draw a flower, there is more you can to to “pose” your flowers to strengthen the emotion you want to project through your artwork.

Follow along to learn how to breathe life into your flower drawings.

Mouse with a rose I use flowers a lot in my artwork. Especially since most, if not all, of my work is directed toward the soothing artwork for children’s books, I need lots of interesting and colorful details in my work. I love to draw flowers but it can become tedious because at times when I need to draw many flowers for bright and inviting art that will hold a child’s interest. That aspect combined with my general love for giving human like qualities to my animal drawings, I have learned to pose my flowers to express emotion. It makes my work a lot of fun, too! Flower poses for sketching

Start with a simple flower.

When you think about it, most artists have flower drawing techniques. Therefore, don’t be afraid to let yourself go and see what your eyes and hands produce. It will be more enjoyable if you allow for your own expression! Draw any flower you choose this first time just to get a feel for the shaping of the petals, stem and leaves. I am using a sweet pansy here. Not only do I love them, but no other flower seems to capture my imagination like these delicate beauties.  To me they are a perfect candidate to to express emotion posing. Pansy sketch Study the flower and then try to think of how it would look if it were swaying in a breeze, wilting or even in an uplifting pose. This is where your drawing becomes a thinking project as well. This mental stretch will strengthen your visual capacity as an artist. The leaves play an important part in the expression as well. Try imagining human emotions and the body language that suggest these emotions to get the poses you need. I helps me a lot to use this method with any living thing I draw. Sketching a pansy in different poses If you know what pose you are looking far but are not quite able to pull it off just yet, draw some flowers from life or from photographs and use them for reference. Trust me — I still have to do this at times so don’t become discouraged. This may help simplify posing for you: How to shape flowers in various poses

Play with simple flower shapes to get a feel for “posing” flowers.

Sketching a cluster of flowers If you have a lot of flowers to draw in one piece of art, it is good to have at least some variety in the posing. You would be surprised how small details like this can bring art to life and draw ones eye right in. This is how we want our art to be, interesting and captivating.

Take flowers to another level

Somehow even flowers with faces can be a nice thing too! Flowers playing with sleeping bunny

Do you have some great tips to share for making your flowers come to life in your art?


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