Game Time! Cheer on the Team With These Football Cupcakes

Are you ready for some football?! With the big game fast-approaching, it’s time to start planning your tailgating snacks. Rile up the cheering squad with some sweet football cupcakes that you can easily customize to your team of choice!

Game Face football cupcakes tutorial

Follow the play-by-play below to create your own football cupcakes.

What you need:

  • Fondant in white, brown, green, skin color and team color
  • Fondant rolling pin with 1/8″ and 1/16″ guide rings
  • 1 7/8″ and 2 1/4″ circle cutters
  • Round decorating tips Nos. 3 and 7
  • Small ball tool
  • Water/edible glue and brush
  • Knife tool
  • Precision knife
  • Small square cutter
  • Medium oval cutter
  • Rolling pastry cutter
  • Number cutters
Football cupcake tutorial step 1

Step 1:

Roll out skin-colored fondant 1/8″ thick with the rolling pin and guide rings. Cut out a circle with the 2 1/4″ round cutter to create the face.

Step 2:

With the small ball tool, make two little indentations for the eyes on the football player’s face. Make sure you are leaving plenty of room at the top of the head for the helmet. 

Step 3:

Roll out white fondant 1/8″ thick with the rolling pin and guide rings. Cut out two small circles with round decorating tip No. 7 and roll each circle into balls for the eyes. 

Step 4:

Apply some glue to the eye sockets and insert the white fondant balls inside and press them down. Hold the larger, bottom side of the round decorating tip at a 45-degree angle and indent the fondant to create a mouth. Play close attention to the placement of the mouth, as you will layer the face mask above and want the mouth to peak out. 

Football cupcake tutorial step 2

Step 5:

Roll out white fondant 1/8″ thick with the rolling pin and guide rings and cut out a circle with the 1 7/8″ round cutter.

Step 6:

With the 2 1/4″ round cutter, slice off two pieces consecutively from the bottom of the circle to create some thin crescent shapes. 

Step 7:

Shape the bottom layer to attach to the top, leaving a bit of an opening for the mouth. Glue the two pieces together at the ends to create the face mask. With a knife tool, make vertical indentations across the two white fondant shapes.

Step 8:

With the precision knife, trim off the two ends, then place it over the football player’s face to make sure it fits well, but don’t glue it just yet.

Step 9:

Roll out brown fondant 1/8″ thick with the rolling pin and guide rings and cut out two small circles with round decorating tip No. 3. Roll them into little balls, then flatten them a bit and glue them to the football player’s eyes.

Step 10:

Roll out skin-colored fondant 1/8″ thick with the rolling pin and guide rings. Cut out a circle with round decorating tip No. 7. Roll it into a ball, then shape it into an oval with your fingers to create the nose. Glue it in place on the football player’s face, just above the face mask.

Football cupcake tutorial step 3

Step 11:

Roll out red (or desired team color) fondant 1/8″ thick with the rolling pin and guide rings. Cut out a circle with the 2 1/4″ round cutter. You’ll use the small square cutter to punch out the shape in the center of the circle, but before doing so, make sure the top of the square is placed where you want the helmet to fall, above the player’s eyes. Then cut out the square.

Step 12:

Using a precision knife, start at one corner of the cut-out square and cut down and outward diagonally to make the side of the helmet. Repeat on the other side, then trim off the pointed pieces on each side.

Step 13:

Roll out white fondant 1/8″ thick and cut a strip approximately 1/4″ thick with the rolling pastry cutter. Glue it vertically to the center of the helmet and trim off the excess with the precision knife. Glue the helmet over the player’s head, then glue the face mask over the face and the sides of the helmet.

Football cupcake tutorial step 4

Step 14:

Roll out brown fondant thicker than you have (don’t use the guide rings), then cut out an oval with the medium cutter.

Step 15:

Use your fingers to shape the ends to make them more pointed like a football. Use a bit of vegetable shortening, if necessary.

Step 16:

Roll out white fondant 1/16″ thick (thinner than you have been) with the rolling pin and guide rings, then cut very thin strips with the rolling pastry cutter. Shape the laces over the football, trim them as needed, then glue them in place.

Step 17:

Roll out skin-colored fondant 1/8″ thick with the rolling pin and guide rings, and cut out a circle with the bottom of a round decorating tip. Take two sides of the circle and fold them gently downward to create a bit of an arch, which will eventually be the hand holding the football.

Step 18:

Use the knife tool to make three indentations on one side of the folded fondant to create the finger. Shape it around the football, glue it and allow them to dry a bit to hold their shapes. Once the football seems firm enough, glue it to the side of the player’s face. If necessary, use a tool (like a round decorating tip) to prop up the side as it dries overnight.

Football cupcake tutorial step 5

Step 19:

Roll out green fondant with the rolling pin and 1/8″ guide rings. Cut out a 2 1/4″ circle with the round cutter.

Step 20:

Roll out white fondant 1/8″ thick with the rolling pin and guide rings and trim a strip with the rolling pastry cutter to create the sideline, then a thin one to make the yard line. Cut the larger strip vertically to fit the smaller strip and glue it over the green grass topper. Trim the excess with the precision knife.

Step 21:

Roll out white fondant 1/8″ thick with the rolling pin and guide rings and cut out your desired numbers with the corresponding cutters.

Step 22:

Repeat the instructions from steps 14-16 to create another football and glue it to the field topper to finish it off!

football cupcake tutorial

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