6 Essential Tips for Healthy Houseplants

In the colder months, I move my gardening habit inside. I love to focus on growing healthy houseplants, but it can be tricky, since their ability to thrive is dependent on lighting and temperature conditions.

Read on to discover our top tips for keeping healthy houseplants this winter!

Collection of healthy houseplants

1. Read the label and water accordingly

Some houseplants, like sweet maidenhair ferns, must remain moist at all times and others, like geraniums, should dry out between waterings. And Jade and other succulents can be watered sparingly. More often than not, people overwater their houseplants in the winter, when plants require less moisture. Be sure to read the label when you purchase your plant and give it just the right amount.

2. Re-pot

If you see roots trying to escape out the bottom of its pot, re-plant your precious plant into a slightly larger container filled with fresh soil. It will be so happy to have the space to grow! Be sure to separate the roots as you transplant, and to give it a good water and feeding.

nerve plant

3. Keep the temperature as even as possible

Plants should not be next to drafts, air conditioners or heaters. They can go into shock over drastic changes in temperatures, so try to keep it pretty consistent for them. That said, for milder climates, don’t hesitate to let your houseplants have a little vacation outdoors. Some plants, like geraniums or nerve plants, will do well on a warm (not hot!) sunny day to boost their growth. Don’t forget to bring them in at night though.

4. Spritz your plants

Some plants, like orchids and maidenhair ferns, love to have their leaves misted. Keep a small spray bottle handy and mist them frequently! In addition to spritzing leaves, you can also leave the plants on a tray of wet gravel to encourage humidity, which some plants love.


5. Clean up dead leaves and old blossoms

Remove dead leaves and old blossoms from the plant and from around the base of the plant. When there are dead leaves in the soil, it promotes bacteria and can cause disease, so be sure to clean up your plants and keep them tidy.

6. Take it easy on the feeding

Only use organic and natural plant foods. The Royal Horticultural Society advices to feed plants March through September and not in the winter. You should only feed plants when they are growing and not dormant.

In the end, remember that blooming plants won’t bloom all the time. Just like outdoor plants, they’ll go dormant sometimes. Be sure to look for signs of disease and check in your plants daily.

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