Can You Knit Every Day? Join the Challenge With 31 FREE Patterns

Most of us would knit all day, every day if we could. While you might not be able to drop everything and pick up your needles 24/7, you can do what you love every single day — even if just for an hour! Don’t believe us? We’ve picked out one FREE pattern for every day this month, and each project takes only an hour or less.

Knitting daily for an hour this month will give you 31 new projects.

Challenge yourself to squeeze in one hour of knitting each day. Don’t forget to share your projects so we can see what you’ve been working on this month.

Share tips, start a discussion or ask one of our experts or other students a question.

One Response to “Can You Knit Every Day? Join the Challenge With 31 FREE Patterns”

  1. Alison Oshop

    knitting challenge