Guess Whooo's Coming to Dinner: Fondant Owl Cupcake Toppers

Though owls are predominantly nocturnal birds of prey, these creatures have taken on a new role as precious, cuddly creatures popular for fall celebrations, such as Thanksgiving dinner, as well as baby showers and birthdays. And owl you need to learn how to make this cupcake topper is this simple, step-by-step tutorial!

Everyone will have a hoot when they see this fondant owl topper!

Owl fondant topper tutorial

Materials needed:

  • Brown, tan, yellow, white, black and orange fondant
  • Fondant rolling pin with 1/8″ guide rings
  • Water/edible glue and brush
  • Vegetable shortening
  • Medium oval cutter
  • Small circle cutter
  • Small teardrop cutter
  • Round decorating tip #7 and #12
  • Rolling pastry cutter
  • Small ball tool
  • Knife tool
  • Bow mold
  • White soft gel paste and toothpick
Owl fondant tutorial step 1

Step 1:

Roll brown fondant into a ball (approximately 1-inch), then form it into an oval shape.

Step 2:

Spread a little bit of vegetable shortening at the top of the oval and begin to shape the owl’s tufts on the corner of its head with your fingers.

Step 3:

Finish shaping the tufts on both sides and re-form the owl’s body as necessary.

Owl fondant tutorial step 2

Step 4:

Roll out tan fondant with the rolling pin and 1/8″ guide rings and cut out one medium oval and two small circles with the corresponding cutters. Set the two small circles aside, which will serve as the eyes.

Step 5:

Utilize round decorating tip #12 at a 45º angle to make indentations in several horizontal rows on the tan oval.

Step 6:

Utilizing the small circle cutter, trim the top of the oval by cutting off two portions (creating a tip in the center) where the eyes will eventually fit.

Step 7:

With the rolling pastry cutter, trim off the bottom of the tan oval to fit on the front of the owl. Make sure you are leaving enough space for the eyes.

Step 8:

Fit the patterned tan fondant oval on the front of the owl and glue it in place.

Step 9:

Roll out white fondant with the rolling pin and 1/8″ guide rings. Cut out two circles with round decorating tip #12.

Step 10:

Flatten out the white circles out a bit, maintaining their circular shape.

Step 11:

Glue the white circles to the tan circles you previously cut, then utilize the small ball tool to indent the center of the eyes.

Step 12:

Roll out black fondant with the rolling pin and 1/8″ guide rings. Cut out two circles with round decorating tip #7, then roll them into balls. Glue them to the center of the eyes and flatten them out just a bit with your finger.

Step 13:

Fit the eyes on the owl and glue them in place.

Owl fondant tutorial step 3

Step 14:

Roll out yellow fondant with the rolling pin and 1/8″ guide rings and cut out three circles with round decorating tip #12.

Step 15:

Take one of the yellow circles and shape it into a teardrop shape with your fingers. Flatten the top out to create the owl’s beak. Glue it to the center of the owl’s face, overlapping the eyes a bit.

Step 16:

Take another yellow circle and shape it into a teardrop. Use the knife tool to make two indentations on the larger end of the teardrop, starting from the bottom and moving up and over to create the owl’s foot. Flatten out the pointed end with the knife tool to fit under the owl’s body and glue it in place. Repeat this step with the second yellow circle for the other foot.

Step 17:

Roll out brown fondant with the rolling pin and 1/8″ guide rings. Cut out two small teardrop shapes.

Step 18:

Shape the pointed tip of the teardrop upward and flatten out the wider end a bit. Fit it on the side of the owl and glue it in place. Repeat this step with the second brown teardrop shape, making sure to shape it in the opposite direction.

Step 19:

Utilize a fondant mold to create an orange bow, fit it on the owl’s head and glue it in place. Feel free to accessorize it in different ways, utilizing feathers, hats, etc.

Step 20:

Dip the toothpick in white soft gel paste and make little glimmer marks on the owl’s eyes. Allow to dry thoroughly.

If desired, you can create a fondant topper disc to top your cupcakes and display your owl, utilizing a circular or scalloped cutter and making a design utilizing an impression mat.

Fondant owl cake topper

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