Tips for Designing Your Own Row Quilts

If you like to combine a variety of designs in your quilt projects, a Row Quilt may be just what you’re looking for. Row Quilt Bee in My Bonnet Row Quilt by Sherri McConnell.

Here are some tips for designing your own Row Quilt and setting your rows together.

A row quilt is a quilt set together in horizontal rows.

Each row is generally made up of blocks from the same pattern, with each row showcasing a different type of geometric pattern or block design. These quilts are easy to design and put together. They’re the perfect project to showcase a variety of block designs, or to try out a number of different block designs to see which types you enjoy making.

Row quilts are an easy quilt to design for beginner and intermediate quilters.

First, you’ll want to choose some of your favorite block patterns to work with. Choose stars, baskets, flowers, Flying Geese or houses. Find a pattern you like for each type of block, or draft your own design. The blocks in the various rows don’t need to finish at the same size — part of the charm of row quilts is that the rows can be of varying heights and have different numbers of blocks.

Before you begin, you will also need to decide on how wide you want the rows to finish.

After you have a width in mind for your row quilt, figure out how many blocks you’ll need to make to get close to that measurement without going over. To do so, divide your finished row measurement by the finished width of your blocks to determine how many blocks you’ll use in the row. You will need to make this simple calculation for each row. Your quilt might end up with 10 star blocks and just seven house blocks, depending on the block sizes. Be in My Bonnet Row Quilt Bee in My Bonnet Row Quilt by Sherri McConnell Before finishing your quilt, you can add sashing strips as needed to the left and right sides of each row so that they all end up exactly the same length. You can then sew the rows together, either with or without sashing strips between the rows. Borders can then be added as desired. Row Quilts

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