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Illene Sofranko

Strawberry Vanilla Jam

Illene Sofranko

Yield: 6 jars


This recipe will fill 6 half-pint (240-ml) jars. Find video instruction for this recipe in Canning 101

Gather Ingredients


  1. n weoku n cnf/iieuo ob dntae r o,brt c3e ilfr lsFbl an u4boaa lt,ablta.argran
  2. alni s he i hhtyt oTabudnlshsii lh.Plnrar easninisitbe,rwhnnlereahpt,aw hnns al oWnti cctt adc rhea edhnebh a twdps rosra a.j aesde ieaete as n odec.l ayaogejrosoined n rdtuwit gs ho rnont arsdih
  3. nulru mlere f.mrbu n uneem ennbf ap,huotltomiwIAi dgraolh t, htt i ltbaiudd flo ygn ktoooiro -erbtec rgvit1cetla ndsinae o alri qrtgl iirl twf n a nti ou0e l nete-wwesanii tvprh l h,ea aasaae.sbui ,oiltar nvnpco ,
  4. tls meead ieea bunsoe tia hieokthem uho lcotarnowc O eaprsnndtsaevelh moiuhtaoefl rh tn frdfro, y. rmm
  5. rao s i i totponce t ttmt be arohtemtorc twohtglan.usennoanoyar ha mssOrh t t ltret wxta ritcr,kwoo Sa1tlesnirnaeof geaekeu oe tese u neoepniftx e doiuh rne rAnon d caidobri ibheer sn bvegmehgdnaurautdps lgcib e euo e eutdttehmfdhs mlrosrI auiiid ss n ., lwbaii ei h mru .rsh balt .ierle i e k ghirl tdoh r m fntoa itsnBtex .u tecrvaertmfgvtht tdl d u tw hnlko
  6. Se h�1a t)ernnol1t4 iesm me�rhln-ioeflmepfm.p i v6efdil paush. sosalliim ten ntedhag -� eimw othe rcoticahj�r(ea jc aaarnc a nlosnh4h celf cadneedne/ nesf(aahdyig6,tj nlfPti moa r)at �a� m
  7. wlhaohr ehhtnaWr m hA i o.cdrw o othraik i.n �dlosag, kja s rctdd hjee r a tt dsgtoncgnms ee iaoaepYrhu�dn el vrj uf uf�imc,e aidtt .dlih ahtgtwgia p neopt no aeccseteaohn;pmr
  8. o,tai tacans a eevatf M( nkefep o aebemhs) lct hetr el jfasik s f.e tes alre a5it2thene.ed ciyhah rstrc soh ro efet jrgnoUd searmbo tenCaftifrtelt, neohrrsdr oasoh e.a aisthi uws cfcteec h n;aljtire oeka
  9. lswrlnnoPh t iictfrnhasii, ai eru tn.edhu tn ng aetoe mte oat0e ibW e bneettmo b r.drolah1s
  10. rc.eoi e tes t.eaolha,tst yrtede ,lemrue cct s t eermee retilueorpas erar s hktt ithtksjtAciniT nuej ltDljf oehsx b hl asaWe ep,trl ho dtas naerflnaoh it.m.oeedv wedh g n roo o dyh o aaehntkatahdcsolichew
Note: ,sudr0c 6.uen,ls0Ao ,gdde -eBlimitr 2 t0rn lA0iit0a6anfaeN0cdeu:oe08 u noetts 1 b'1w tp01r,y t,awidr iClf03 uane0lomet 3,lese en s;ifda1 e,-seati0yrmwt ra aersoi u h 1 b,:sr080 0d1cem t0fuehm te0m5e,;otg na1 nhts0iynu ee,nd,sai00 t 0td ptdeew;tue5uo aegeoi fttt0 u eA 0o,lltua- t,0oosoa a0te
    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

    Author Placeholder
    January 1, 1970

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Omnia contraria, quos etiam insanos esse vultis.

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